A couple of hours ago, I was a guest of Michael Perskin, MD, on Dr Radio.
His show is called Healthy Aging.
He had me as a guest because I'm a certified personal trainer and 71 years old.
I'm a healthy and fit; and the idea was for me to answer, with the doctor, caller's questions relating to exercise for older adults.
The first caller described her husband. He's 50, 5'9" and weighs 280lbs. He's had a heart attack and now has developed diabetes!
She was beside herself. No matter what, she couldn't get him to exercise or make positive improvements in his lifestyle.
I really empathize with them.
She married this man, has loved this man, had his children and is now watching him kill himself through inertia and inability to change.
Change! It is so difficult!
He most most likely feels stuck. He just doesn't think HE can do it-make the change.
If he and she should read this post, I urge you to review the earlier posts I've made on this site regarding this very subject, behavior change.
I have been there! This is me at age 60! Five feet, nine inches and 265lbs!
I didn't even feel like I had a problem, until it was almost too late!

Your body is capable of remarkable improvement, no matter what your present condition, if you just give yourself half a chance.
Don't blame it on your genes.
Don't give up because you've had bad experiences and exposures up to now.Here's an analogy.
Your genes are like a gun.
It is what it is. You can't change it, it can be beneficial or harmful depending on what happens with it.
Our environment loads the bullets.
Now, that gun can be deadly.
But, it is our unhealthy lifestyle that pulls the trigger!
Stop committing suicide!
Don't pull the trigger!
Change your lifestyle!
It's NOT hopeless!
Here's a motto I suggest anyone can adopt.
If HE or SHE can do it, I can do it!
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