That 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise each day, recommended by the experts, seems impossible to many of us.
That is, until you remember it can be broken down into ten minute segments.
By spacing it out throughout the day, it gets more manageable.
Previous posts gave some suggestions for morning and noon time, here are some ideas for the time after work.
First, get ready for some activity when you get home by priming your body
during the drive home.
Just remember to be safe and use common sense.
During drive time, you can do more than just sit at
traffic lights.
You can use the steering wheel to flex your arms and shoulders.
Squeeze as hard as you can and relax.
Push and pull on it. The steering wheel can take it.
Twist your trunk in the seat. Core strength and flexibility is the benefit.
Have you ever heard of a doctor named
Kegel? Look him up. .
Once you start doing
Kegel exercises, you may consider him your best friend!
and men can strengthen connective tissue and internal muscles (especially the pubococcygeus) in the pelvic floor. .
Among the benefits;
improved sexual function (that's always a biggie for me) and increased support for all those internal organs that require strong connective tissue.
Biggest benefit - for many,
incontinence is greatly
reduced or eliminated!
It's easy to do, so what's not not like?
You can do hundreds of these exercises during drive time, all you have to do is bear down as if squeezing off your urine flow.
Your legs can benefit too! Just flex your butt, thighs and calves when your stopped.
You have to REMEMBER to do them! Visual cues in your car really help.
Put up a picture of some kind, or a chart you can check off, or a reminder.

Edison had it right.
What's all this doing for you?
Glad you asked! All this in the car provides muscle warm up, raises your metabolism and gets you mentally ready to be active when you get to your destination.
No more
feeling exhausted and flopping with a snack! You'll want to
And you thought you were too busy to exercise!