Friday, July 30, 2010

The Time is Now!! By Lou Haskins

this blog discusses being healthy in America today

I recently did a series of postings on how to make Behavior Changes, and why it is so difficult.

It seems logical to follow with this series; what is known by trainers as Barriers to Exercise.

The #1 reason for not getting the recommended amount of PA (physical activity) each day is.................?
drum roll please..................TIME! 

So, when we GET time, we'll start, right?  Unh Hunh! Yeah!

If you are seriously trying to do do something about you health and fitness, (action phase), don't let TIME get in the way, make it an ally!

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) has updated its' recommendations for exercise Do you know that now, your activity can be broken down into segments? 

Three 10 minute periods of activity a day can meet the minimum requirement of 30 minutes, at least 5 days a week, for physical activity. 

Here's great link to the ACSM updated guidelines as well asMETs.
You really should be looking for this kind of info if you have moved into the planning or action phase.

This site gives a terrific explanation of METs and how you can use them to boost your activity. 

 BTW, you'll notice it's now PA (physical activity) and not exercise. This reflects the more inclusive view that anything that gets you up and moving can be beneficial. For example, common chores like washing the car or doing housework. It counts! There's this system called METs (metabolic equivalents) that lets you keep track. Keeping a record is key. 
A good place is on the refrigerator. You KNOW you'll be going there!

If you have kids, involving them makes it quality time, sets a great precedent for them, requires more calories and  effort, but only a little more time. Kids love to help. Let them! They'll be grown and gone before you know it!

So, think about the ten minutes. Surely you can find ten minutes, right?  Think about that and in the next post, I'll give you some real life examples of what people are doing to get PA of ten minutes, three times a day.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Have You Ever Taken a CPR Course? by Lou Haskins

This blog discusses being healthy in America today

CPR - cardio pulmonary resuscitation, the first treatment for a person who has collapsed and is not breathing and/or has no pulse. It consists of  an external cardiac massage and artificial respiration.

You can use  this lifesaving skill any where, any time without any equipment help.
A lot of things have changed, so even if you had it years ago, you need a refresher.
And, for those who have never learned this simple skill, pray that someone you love never needs CPR while you are helplessly standing by.

The guilt can be overwhelming!

  Make sure you get a course that actually has you practice on a simulated 
 Reading about it is not enough if you find yourself in this high-stress situation.

Having CPR skills is something you'll NEVER regret!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It Isn't Hopeless! by Lou Haskins, CPT

this blog discusses being healthy in America today

A couple of hours ago, I was a guest of Michael Perskin, MD, on Dr Radio.

His show is called Healthy Aging.
He had me as a guest because I'm a certified personal trainer and 71 years old.
I'm a healthy and fit; and the idea was for me to answer, with the doctor, caller's questions relating to exercise for older adults.

The first caller described her husband. He's 50,  5'9" and weighs 280lbs. He's had a heart attack and now has developed diabetes!
She was beside herself. No matter what, she couldn't get him to exercise or make positive improvements in his lifestyle.
I really empathize with them.
She married this man, has loved this man, had his children and is now watching him kill himself through inertia and inability to change.
Change! It is so  difficult!
He most most likely feels stuck. He just doesn't think HE can do it-make the change.

If he and she should read this post, I urge you to review the earlier posts I've made on this site regarding this very subject, behavior change.

I have been there! This is me at age 60! Five feet, nine inches and 265lbs!
I didn't even feel like I had a problem, until it was almost too late!


Your body is capable of remarkable improvement, no matter what your present condition, if you just give yourself half a chance.
Don't blame it on your genes.
Don't give up because you've had bad experiences and exposures up to now.

Here's an analogy.
Your genes are like a gun.
It is what it is. You can't change it, it can be beneficial or harmful depending on what happens with it.

Our environment loads the bullets.
Now, that gun can be deadly.

     But, it is our unhealthy lifestyle that pulls the trigger!
     Stop committing suicide!
     Don't pull the trigger!

     Change your lifestyle!
     It's NOT hopeless!

                                        Here's a motto I suggest anyone can adopt.

                                           If HE or SHE can do it, I can do it!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Something's Fishy - by Lou Haskins

This blog discusses being healthy in America today   

As a young man in the Navy,  I was stationed in Argentia, Newfoundland in 1964-68.
I was reminded  of this recently when I got an email from a friend that served with me there. We reminisced about the great fishing.
It was pretty much unspoiled then, and we loved it.
One of the fun things to do was to fish for codfish. It was so simple and easy. You stood on the pier or shore, cast out a big spoon or plug lure and start reeling in. When everything stopped, and it felt like you had snagged a rock, you just had to keep reeling. After a couple of minutes, what felt like dragging an anvil, would turn out to be a 25lb codfish! (or bigger)

With white delicate meat, it made a delicious, healthy meal.

So, here's an updated healthy Mediterranean-style codfish recipe, complete with how to cook it and tell if  it's done, courtesy of the Canadian Department of Marine Fisheries.
Notice the calorie, carbohydrate, salt and fat content in the nutritional analysis below the recipe-it doesn't get much better than that! And, the fat is healthy!

The header on the recipie, how to cook fish, applies to all types.
Most people tend to overcook fish, in which case, it gets dry and tasteless.
If that happens, throw away the fish and eat the pan! It will taste better!